When you give people a purpose to each amount, they may give just a little more knowing what it would help you accomplish.
You can set different amounts and reasons for each donation interval (e.g. "Just Once" versus 'Monthly")
Make sure you have enabled fundraising on Civic Dawn. Check out how here: Connect Stripe
Once you have claimed or created your nonprofit profile, you'll have access to the 3-dot menu on the profile card. Click on that to open the list of options you can edit.
Select "Fundraising Options" to edit donation amounts, campaigns and funds.
You can decide which donation frequencies are enabled for your donors, Once, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Annual. You also decide which is the default for new donations. We suggest one of the recurring options as a default.
You can edit each frequency with the Edit button below the amounts column.
By providing a description the donor will know what they are enabling you to do with an amount.
If a donor intends to give $15, but the $25 amount description provides a bigger impact that reaches their heart, they just may give that little bit more! Be inspiring and tell donors what you do!
We recommend higher dollar amounts for 'Once' donations over recurring frequencies. Contact your Civic Dawn account manager for some ideas.