Privacy Policy

How we use your data

Last Updated Nov 26, 2022

This Privacy Policy includes important information about your personal data and we encourage you to read it carefully.


We provide information about nonprofit organizations, and how this information relates to what we know about you. This includes the name and address you enter on your profile, donation history, answers to survey questions and any other actions you take on Civic Dawn.

1. Browser Data

1.1 "Cookie" Data

Cookies are small text files that are stored in a computer's browser directory. They help site providers with things like understanding how people use a site, remembering a User's login details, and storing site preferences.

When you donate to an organization through the Civic Dawn platform, we use the "Stripe" payment provider. Stripe will store a cookie on your computer as a means to prevent fraud. You can read more about how they use cookies on their website:"

1.2. "Local Storage" Data

Local Storage is data storage on your computer that a website can put anything in. Only the website that stored the data can access the data. You can clear Local Storage data on your computer from any website from within your browser settings.

Civic Dawn uses "Local Storage" to store your preferences and help you remember where you left off. It helps to resume searches from prior times you visited a page, or return you to a page you were visiting. Civic Dawn also uses Local storage to store a token about you, which is used to keep you signed in.

2. Your Profile

On your profile page, you may enter your name, address and contact information.

We do not share your profile data with any third parties outside of the Civic Dawn platform.

We only share with nonprofit organizations on the platform to fulfill actions you initiate, per the following sections.

2.1 Your Address

We ask for your address to find your legislative districts at the state and local level.

On the Values survey, we show questions relevant to where you live. If you do not enter any part of your address, then we will only show nationwide questions. If you enter a state only, then we also show questions relevant in your state. If you enter your full address, then we can show any relevant questions at your county level or within your legislative district.

We do not share your home address with any organizations or third parties. However, we do aggregate your survey responses anonymously by your county, your state and nationwide.

2.2 Your Profile Photo and other photos

When you join an organization or RSVP for an event then we use your photo in the attendee list. You can upload a different image for each event ticket, if you prefer.

When you are a manager or administrator of an organization, we display your photo in the leaders section of the organization detail page. You may upload a different image from the organization's member list page to either anonymize your photo or just to be different.

We keep all of your prior uploaded images as long as they are still associated to data, such as an event RSVP, your profile, or any other location where you can upload an image. Any page where you can upload an image will offer an option to use a previously uploaded image. If you replace all locations where an image is used with a different image, then the now unused image will permanently be deleted within 30 days. The image gallery will show a count of how many places where you are using each image. An image counter may be out of date for up to 24 hours.

2.3 Your Name

The name you enter is used to share with an organization when you donate to or "follow" them.

2.4 Your Phone Number and Email Address

These are both used at register and sign in to verify you only have one account. We do this to prevent survey spamming with fake or duplicate responses.

When you RSVP for an event ticket, you can decide if your phone number and email address are shared with the organization event hosts or not. The RSVP form has a checkbox for each to indicate if you'd like to share.

An organization may upload their current member list with contact information. If you sign up to Civic Dawn and verify ownership of your email address to a matching member, you will be linked to that organization and become a member automatically. The organization will have access to your email address since they already had it.

You may "unfollow" an organization at any time, but if they already had your contact information prior to you joining, then they will still have your contact details. You will need to contact the organization directly to ask them to delete your information.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. Information sharing to subcontractors in support services, such as customer service is permitted. All other use case categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.

2.5 Your Donation history

When you make a donation on the Civic Dawn platform, you must either be logged in or you must enter a name and email address of the donor of record. Most or all organizations on this platform have a fudiciary responsibility to know who has donated to them. You are legally obligated to use your legal name on each donation.

Civic Dawn does not publically release the names or contact information of donors. We do release it to the organization you have donated to. The organization is obligated to handle your data following fundraising laws.

Civic Dawn keeps a permanent record of your donation history, whether you were logged in or not. If you donated before creating an account, then when you First create your account, the donations will appear in your donation history. Donations are permanently associated with the email address used at the time of the donation.

3. What if you move?

You can update your profile anytime, including your address. This will change your legislative districts to match the latest boundaries we have on file. In our anonymized survey answer data reports by state, any answers you have given will be reassigned to the reports of your new district within 24 hours.

3.1 What if the wrong legislative districts are calculated?

Sometimes boundaries change or if you are a few houses from the edge of a boundary the accuracy of our maps may place you in the wrong district. You can add additional legislative districts by searching for an election and 'following' that election

4. Can you delete your data?

You may delete your address and name in your profile so that it is no longer used by Civic Dawn for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy.

If you've already shared your data with an organization, you must reach out to that organization directly and follow their personal data policies.

Civic Dawn cannot delete any of your donation history except as US law permits, and will only do so as required by an order from a court of law with appropriate jurisdiction as determined by the registration of the recipient organization.

If an organization has ejected you from their member list, Civic Dawn will record that and never delete it as a means to allow an organization to prevent spam within their member list.