Using events effectively

Create, customize, sell tickets

How To: Nonprofits

Creating Events for Fundraising

See how events can be setup to drive donations to your nonprofit on the Civic Dawn platform.

You'll learn:

  1. Where your events are listed
  2. How to create a new fundraising event
  3. How to define ticket types, prices, and limit number sold of each tier.
  4. What the event page looks like for donors

Learn more about ticket types...

Setup Special Event Tickets

* How to video: creating a new event (only for nonprofit's editor and admin users)
* How to video: design promotion pages for your events

Creating better landing page for your event

This video shows how easy it is to leverage our page widgets to build a page quickly and easily.

We have many block widgets for your pages:

  1. formatted text, pictures and video
  2. booking forms
  3. built-in contact us and subscribe forms
  4. and more

Our webpage design tool and hosting is free for nonprofits.

In later videos we'll show strategies for hosting successful events and offering multiple ticket types in different fundraising scenarios.

Your Nonprofit's Event Calendar

On your Nonprofits profile page, the event calendar shows your upcoming events.

* sample nonprofit page with one event.
Default text
* sample event detail page with 2 ticket types

An event detail page

All the event details are shown on the main card at the top. This image shows the main donor view and not any admin controls.

On the admin version you also have edit capabilities. See the video above for details.

Donors can reserve a ticket by choosing a ticket at the bottom with the "reserve" button.

Ticket Reservation, Step 1

This includes the ticket overview and an option to share a message and RSVP.

Step 2 looks the same as the donation flow, minus the amount selection since you picked that with the ticket type.

Default text
*sample ticket reservation RSVP, as seen by a donor / attendee